ROSEVIA RESORT & SPA, Jastrzębia Góra
ROSEVIA RESORT & SPA, Jastrzębia Góra


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  • any length of stay
  • Breakfast
Are you sure about your travel plans? This offer is for you!

Do you like to catch opportunities to take advantage of an additional discount? Your travel date is unlikely to change? Take advantage of the "Best price" offer, under which you will receive a stay in a comfortable apartment and excellent breakfasts in our Natura Restaurant. But that's not all. By choosing "Best price offer" you can also take advantage of all the amenities we offer at Rosevia Resort & SPA. Also remember that if you want to purchase additional meals on site, you can book it at our restaurant.



  • Accommodation in comfortable, spacious apartments from 38 to 125 m2, one, two or three-level with a sophisticated design. The apartments are located in separate buildings with individual entrances from the outside guaranteeing privacy and security. Each apartment has a fully equipped kitchenette and a separate terrace or balcony with garden furniture, ideal for a quiet rest.


  • Exceptional breakfasts at the Natura Restaurant (coffee, tea, water, juices)


  • Unlimited access to sauna's area - Infrared sauna and Dry sauna


  • Amenities for children:
    - 1 000 m2 safe playground,
    - Multifuncional sport field for football and basketball,
    - Mini golf course,
    - Unlimited access to Rosevia Kids Club between 9:00am - 9:00pm,
    - On request: a cot with bedding and a changing table for children up to 3 years old (PLN 50 per day), bathroom platforms, toilet covers, bathtubs, bowls, non-slip shower mats, children's bathrobes and towels, air humidifier, bottle heaters, the possibility of securing sockets, corners and wardrobes,
    - Bikes with baby bike seat, balance bikes, helmets,
    - 25 cm depth paddling pool,


  • From May to September: unlimited access to the outdoor recreation zone (outdoor heated swimming pools and jacuzzi, outdoor gym) from 9:00am to 7:00pm
  • Bikes for every age group
  • Access to the tennis court, upon prior reservation
  • Welcome set in the apartment (sparkling water, still water, coffee capsules, tea, sugar, cream)
  • Wi-Fi


  • Yoga classes with a profesional trainer - booked in advance:
    - individual classes: 160 PLN per person per hour,
    - group classes up to 3 people: 120 PLN per person per hour,
    - group classes for more than 3 people: 100 PLN per person per hour, 
  • Possibility of booking swimming lessons for children and adults under the supervision of an experienced instructor (May-September) - after prior reservation PLN 150 / approx. 45 minutes / person


  • Baby cot – 100 PLN per day
  • Car Park – 50 PLN per day per car
  • Tourist tax – 3 PLN per day per person
  • Stay of a pet - 100 PLN per day


  • A child up to 3 years of age sleeping with their parents - free stay (applies to a maximum 1 child).
  • If you have specific dietary preferences (special diet, allergies, intolerances), please inform the restaurant staff in advance.
Important information

Arrival: from 16:00 Departure: to 12:00

Animal policy

Pets are accepted - additional fee 100 PLN/day.


Parking - additional fee 50 PLN/day.

Cancellation conditions

Automatic prepayments are required in accordance with the payment plan. We will send reminders for scheduled payments due to the e-mail address provided at the time of booking at least 2 days before payment will be taken. All payments made are non-refundable. In the event of a missed payment, the hotel has a right to cancel the reservation.

Acceptable payment cards
Visa MasterCard American Express Diners

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